How we work


We identify, demystify and solve ethical and practical problems in data and tech space.


We bring diverse communities together and facilitate collaboration.


We anchor decision making across the public and private sectors at a time of increasing complexity.


We build innovative tech solutions for public good.


We collaborate with the public and private sectors, civil society, and international organisations to address critical challenges at the intersection of technology, ethics, and human rights. Our expertise spans a broad range of key areas, and we are committed to helping our partners consistently achieve outcomes that are secure, compliant, and aligned with the highest standards of integrity.

  • Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Privacy, Data Protection, and Encryption
  • Open Data and Transparency
  • Policy, Governance, and Compliance
  • Innovation Strategy and Digital Transformation
  • Ethics in Technology and Responsible Development

What We Do

The Forum

Our free platform hosts a protected international community of passionate developers, thinkers, artists and beyond.


Our critically acclaimed annual event covers the entire range of data and knowledge technologies.

The Open Standard

The WEDF Open Standard is a dynamic framework that guides developers, users, and stakeholders with concrete steps and questions for the ethical development of AI.

Ambassadorship Programme

The WEDF Ambassadorship Programme reaches a diverse and underserved audience with reliable information on the ethical development and application of technology.

ERA (The Ethics and Rights Architecture)

The Ethics and Rights Architecture (ERA) is an analytical archive designed to address a critical challenge: the difficulty in accessing, sharing and using human rights and fundamental freedoms relevant information across the globe.

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Latest Video

Staying smart In A Smart World: How Do We Think About This Computerised World We Live In?

Chris Morris is an English comedian, radio presenter, actor and filmmaker. In his conversation with renowned German psychologist Prof. Gerd Gigerenzer he reveals more on the effects smart technology has on us all and asks: are we making the right choices?